Delock Stereo plug 3.5 mm stereo with bend protection soldering version

Numer artykułu 65530
65530 Delock Stereo plug 3.5 mm stereo with bend protection soldering version
65530 Delock Stereo plug 3.5 mm stereo with bend protection soldering version small 1
65530 small 2
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You can solder this stereo plug from Delock to a cable and use it on your devices with a 3.5 mm stereo jack. For soldering, open the stereo plug by screwing and solder the cable on the provided lands. Hard bending spring ensures an overall protection for the cable.

Szczegóły techniczne

  • Connector: stereo plug 3.5 mm 3 pin stereo > solder connection
  • Colour: gold
  • Housing: metal
  • With bend protection

Wymagania systemowe

  • A free stereo jack 3.5 mm

Zawartość opakowania

  • Stereo plug


  • Torba na zamek błyskawiczny

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